I have an incredible desire to relate to the world. I want to look closely at each person and how we relate throughout our lives. I offer my own experiences so that you can see that I have made mistakes and that through God's grace I am stronger for it. By realizing that we were all created equal, that God sent his son, Jesus Christ to cleanse all of our sins, and that we are all amazing and valuable then we could change the world one person at a time. I'm here to empower people everywhere.
Friday, March 18, 2016
Honesty.....it's the best policy! (someone find that guy and shoot em) ;)
It's true that most of us will never understand how to use honesty as our best policy. That is an unfortunate thought, considering I'd love to change the world's thinking on talking. Period. I love how honesty over the years has become such a double edged sword for me. How? I'M A HAIRSTYLIST! We're not known for telling the whole truth nothing but the truth so help me God. That doesn't mean over the years I went out of my way to lie to my clients. Surely not. It does mean I walked out of high school into a career path that doesn't make it's money on truth. We continually blur the lines of what's real and what's not with clients spending more money monthly that goes towards our mortgages. Some would say it's a necessary evil to spend such money and time on yourself so you look professional. After 17 years, I (on the other hand) am much wiser about who should and shouldn't be in the chair. I never realized how much my home life would parallel my job. I had a mother who would appear to be something she wasn't and a father who did the disappearing act most of the time just to stay away from her (and most likely us). We weren't the fam on the block who got involved in sports, or after school activities. How odd that most of the women or men who sat in the chair mirrored the same behavior to me while I was looking in the mirror back at them. It is scary how many years I have literally been staring in the mirror and everything I use it for is to tell me the truth. Not what I see most people doing. I know they are looking into the the glass, but what do they see back??? I mean most of the time it is asking them "why did you walk out of the house like that"? "oh damn did you brush your teeth? tooth"? Harsh? I dare you to shadow me for a month and look at how most Americans leave their house.
It is a tragedy to me to see how they hide themselves as they sit in the chair due to being so overweight they are disgusted that they have lost sight of their own genitals even when eye level with them. No joke folks. This society has been binge eating for decades now to deal with the pain and hollowness of their lack of faith. How can God help in this situation? UM HE IS THE KEY TO EVERYTHING. END OF DISCUSSION. Let me explain why I believe everything I am describing to you can truly be healed by accepting him and learning to draw closer to him through a real intimate and total disclosure to him. I don't know many people like myself that describe their relationship with God as like other relationships. Some of you might balk at that comment, let me go into detail. I truly, genuinely believe everything he gave us in his word the Holy Bible is to relate to any form of pain, loneliness, confusion, temptation, fury, sadness, loss, happiness, joy, understanding, blessing, team work, support, family, friendships, money, success, disobedience, consequence, accountability, responsibility there is in the human life. If I missed anything in that long line of items just add it to your mental list!!! It isn't to shame as it is to reveal honesty. We as homo-sapiens need honesty, believe me over the years I should have stood tall brush in hand and yelled "NO MORE! THIS HORRIBLENESS ENDS NOW". But it has to be in the context of love. Ah...the shoe falls on everyone's head. I'm sure the critics will yell and scoff some more once they read that poignant line. I have been known to call out the most dignified of idiots, whether they are in my family tree or in your family tree. Have I always done it in love? NO. Have I always done it gracefully? NO. Have I enjoyed myself when I'd rather be doing anything else than staring a bat shit crazy person in the face who is lying through their teeth while no one stops the madness. NO. So I've had to learn myself what that lesson means as well. It a lot of times means we are to have an entire team of support so the many can conquer the shit storm. Put your boots on, that was a lot of crap.
To help honesty along the way we all have to have the chance to be vested in it. It requires us to be totally and utterly open to ourselves and what we are thinking and feeling. It means that while God is the source of love we can not see, we choose to plug into him whether through talking, prayer, reading, speaking with a friend til we build that foundation of him inside us through the Holy Spirit. I see so many people's relationships being a weird one hour reading time on Sunday mornings at church while running away from the rest of our human duties just to make sure we are good tithing Christians. Here's a dose of real honesty. That's messed up in soooooo many ways from here to there. Someone needed to say it. How is our relationship supposed to be relatable to anyone including ourselves? Did you catch that? He made us, He gave us everything we needed to relate, we haven't caught on yet that the Bible relates to so many things people do when being totally human and yet we still make our relationship look something like a whisper talker at the local coffee shop open mike night. GET A CLUE PEOPLE. He want's a real relationship with us. One where we rely on him spiritually and live fully in our human bodies using our entire brain to connect fully to ourselves and everyone around us. Now honesty starts with ourselves. Then goes beyond ourselves to disperse into society to bless all those around us. How could that work in my profession?? Why I love that you asked that! It goes a little something like this.
Client walks in and sits in the chair. She looks slumped in the chair and is not making the greatest eye contact with the mirror. I have learned to read the signs like someone is feeding me my lines. It is clear she isn't happy with her life and for the next 1 hour and 45 min is going to contract me to change her into the heir of Godiva chocolates. I had a huge problem biting off more than even I could chew for about half of my career but now I'm on to bigger challenges. Now I'm about teaching her to like herself and sweet cheeks that takes more than 2 hours. But I get the ball rolling with helping her see the good in the mirror and what is applicable when she gets home, work week, home life, kids, expectations vs. WAKE THE HELL UP! YOUR HAIR WON'T DO THAT AND JESUS ISN'T HERE TO CREATE MIRACLES TODAY! A little stylist humor! I always love to cut and color someone's hair so the real women or man can be revealed to them. To see the changes in people over the last 17 years when I've dusted off their do's to begin to create a new person, it's like a little piece of Heaven. We never need to let things fester to have honesty be our total policy. IF we were the proprietor of our own walk with honesty it wouldn't be so hard to take any form of criticism. Even if it was just in the stylist's chair.
I've worked continually over the years to reveal and revamp who I was or wanted to become. Not always liking the situations I was in was what pushed me to be better. If I had been comfortable with everything I did I wouldn't have pushed to become a better version of myself. Honey, I'm better than Apple products around here, ask hubby, I change on the hour to upgrade to a higher level of intellect. Those phones got nothing on me baby, maybe grammar but who wants to talk so weird anyway. It would be a lovely place to be where each child born into a lovely home would pursue the honesty policy right down to "does this make me look fat"? Seriously, how did we as humans let the fat demon rule our lives? Exactly, we had nothing else to rely on for honesty. We couldn't deal with the reality of things, so when food entered in we didn't have honesty on that either. It's not so much calories as it is substance. That is meant both literal and metaphorical. We have very little substance to us anymore and don't want to be bothered when it comes to loving ourselves through the right kind of foods. We need to start something because people are dying all across America because we won't stop the self torture that is obesity because we have lost honesty. No you don't call out to the herd of people waddling towards sweet frog fat asses! You might have a sudden urge to say such snarky things, but that is NOT the honesty I am talking about. It starts with relationship. There I go again. How would you want someone to approach your tubby butt? I know it works when you actually care. When you desire to see the best in the person come out. It is going to take a community approach for everyone in the world to feel loved and be spoken to about their weight issue. It takes time and support first to allow the person who is over weight to feel whole and special no matter what. They have to begin to trust you and want to be better for themselves because we or you treat them that way. It's over all hard to do when we live in a society that doesn't all plug into the things of the Lord. So our common approach is to make comments or shy away from them because they aren't sexy or desirable. Remember I come from the side of the tracks where on a Friday night my date was the couch and cake. Not proud of it, but it was our form of self deprecation in our house. It is our meth. COME ON! Get real. It's most families' drug of choice now a days. Once again because we will not be honest as a society that all people deserve a right to feel great, be great, strive for greatness. How the heck do you get parent's serving up that at breakfast????
You fall in love with the fact that you were created with the ability to be your best. It would come from a childhood which fed into the thoughts that followed and began to build in you the ability to be honest to a fault with yourself about ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING YOU TOUCH. The moment you leave the house you're on a journey to fulfill that with everyone you meet. Including those who may not know Jesus. We will introduce him through being real, honest, happy, joyful, silly, engaging. It's a compelling thought. To believe honesty comes from a child on up to the adulthood. One can not enter adulthood without being a child. If we had been groomed in a household of lies, it will be almost impossible to remove the viruses in the brain without trauma. I said almost. I did it, we can do it, together we flourish. Or I say die trying to find that guy......
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