I have an incredible desire to relate to the world. I want to look closely at each person and how we relate throughout our lives. I offer my own experiences so that you can see that I have made mistakes and that through God's grace I am stronger for it. By realizing that we were all created equal, that God sent his son, Jesus Christ to cleanse all of our sins, and that we are all amazing and valuable then we could change the world one person at a time. I'm here to empower people everywhere.
Sunday, February 7, 2016
Laying the foundation
I would assume if you asked one of my clients now if I was always talkative you would get a response that of course she was!!! In all fairness I chose an industry that needs you to help the client decide what style would look best on them, and then find out whether or not they can achieve that style! Hardest part of my job is empowering the person to love themselves enough to get up everyday and decide to look their best so that everyone can get the best from them. Maybe I have a rosy colored glasses approach on this, but I like to believe that every person created was given a beginning by God and he or she deserves our very best everyday. We as people do not accept less than stellar when it comes to calling on Him(God) whether in tragedy, or we just want something we haven't done the work for. I am no different than you when it comes to those thoughts, I just like to believe that was part of the reason God left us "Scripture" so we had something to relate our human behavior back to. Most of the people I have talked to over the years talk about scripture like a "shame game", or a cultish code of conduct that once deviated from causes sudden (spiritual) death. No exaggeration needed that's pretty on point. I'M SICK OF IT! What have we gotten from not reading the words in a metaphorical state (instead of literal legalism). Why couldn't we see why He had chosen those exact stories to share out of the millions of mistakes history has made? Not to mention a look at what Satan would do with the info to twist us up and to lay out our demise. It appears we wouldn't take the time to figure out what he could get from the ability to provoke us to use our freewill similarly to the way Eve did. We do remember how things ended for her don't we?? Yes, she was kicked out of paradise, but how many of us took the time to sift through all that info from God's perspective. He had given everything to the angels and Lucifer(Satan) decided he wanted more, (seriously?) ......He then gave Adam and Eve existence to live in a paradise he created for them. From my standpoint I have seen that the deciding factor here which could have been a real game changer was................wait for it.........COMMUNICATION!! Not one time did Eve decide to ask a question about whether or not there were 2 deaths? God had mentioned death if she ate of the Tree of Good and Evil, and Satan tells her no death if she eats of the Tree of Good and Evil. The logical approach to her just eating is that she would have asked questions to clarify, whether or not she had called in God's opinion on the matter, IF she had asked Satan a question he would have had to operate under God's terms. Yes, yes, he let her be approached by him, but remember we weren't in the garden. Most certainly before the fall, we operated under totally different pretenses. She was able to talk to this animal on legs, but didn't get alarmed THAT THIS SERPENT of all the creatures comes out of nowhere after she manages to leave the only man alive with her in the garden somewhere else, and there IS NO QUESTIONS ASKED??????? Two times death has been mentioned and never once does she ask "are there 2 different kinds of death"? She doesn't phone up God and ask him what the deal is with this "thing" talking her into the "NO NO fruit"?? HOW ARE WE ANY DIFFERENT THAN HER?(well I'm clothed for one thing), but more importantly how are we to learn to communicate well, if the angels and the first 2 humans chose not too??? I mean at what point do we read the scripture and begin to wonder what the backstory is, the underlying stage set to show the difference between a Sovereign God and his amazing creation? I don't think we give ourselves enough credit first of all. I believe that He intended for us to be awesome but not perfect like himself, not to mention use all of our instincts and all of emotions. It is just not done in society. HOW CONVENIENT! I've picked up on the fact that since I was a little girl the emotions we continually put away or lie about are "Anger" and "Fear". Anger is just a big old front for fear anyway so really just fear on steroids. Remember that God made sure we would have 365 times written down in the Bible for us that we are to "Fear Not". We seem to use that like a band-aid on a bullet wound.(thank you Taylor) We throw that line out so often to others so we don't need to try to understand their current situation and help them sift through the crap. Not all of us, but not enough of us for sure, use the experience in our own lives to uplift others to see through the storm. If we are to always see scripture as bumper lanes at a bowling alley then you don't ever get the opportunity to really believe your game. Similar to just walking through the church doors or Bible studies and never opening up about what's really going on in your life. I guess now is a good time as ever to share my bowling average is a whopping 16. I don't see it as a high score anyway, to me it's the whole experience ever since I walk through the door. From the plush carpet to the wretched striped shoe that never should have been invented (growing any number of viruses), to the stale pretzel bites and the ever continuing laughter coming from my lane as I meet new people and we all glare at how bad my game really is. See life is a bit of messy ups and downs. We don't get to have the bumpers up as Christians or we can not truly relate to another human being on the planet and how they need the Lord. We'd have to sit in total contemplation as to how the first two people who walked WITH him in the garden, didn't choose to ask for his opinion on the matter at hand, then how would we in a society which has to draw their source FROM the "Holy Spirit". IF we truly would put our trust in him, with REAL belief he created us intentionally along with intellect to understand our freewill. Freewill is continually misunderstood. It was so we could absolutely know him and just because He created us doesn't mean we have to choose him. That is no stab at our Creator rather a flashlight on what freewill is.
It isn't going to be as easy as praying it away, once the damage is done to each one of us as children in our environments, the brain takes over and starts to build up walls against the logical mind. Just another major consequence for not choosing to understand God's love and applying it to our children. Our brains do not develop coping mechanisms/ tools to work through stress properly as we grow older. We can learn to work through those walls and tear them down for good, but it takes a lot of hard work and intellectual push from someone else who has gone through it. Some people believe a lot of the dysfunction in the brain comes from DNA gone rogue. There is some truth in that if you factor in water and food supplies along with drugs. But more importantly we are dealing with the way the human mind copes in a time where the body is starved of security in the Lord. Love is absolutely crucial to help each and every person on the planet develop an understanding of his Creator God and our purpose he set before us.
This is a subject where I disagree with a lot of people, who like myself, call themselves a Christian. I have a very gritty past and am so thankful for any future I have left. I didn't do it all right, and I had to learn a lot of hard lessons when it came to making mistakes and being angry or out of control. I wouldn't change it for one minute. It was REAL LIFE. It's the difference between living in Heaven or waiting to be taken there. While on this earth, I am going to experience REAL things void of Love while I allow his Holy Spirit to reside in me. Our lives are the sum of time waiting til His return, but in the mean time while we are trudging through our childhood, teen years, young adult, elder lives we are going to experience freewill EVERY SINGLE DAY against a world continually fading away from our Creator. Had we thought at all how Satan would devour us while we had thought he wasn't around or really existed, we could have worked against him. I feel as if the media undertone in the Christian household was tainted long long ago with the unreal aspect of a perfect ride til death or Christ's return. If this doesn't pertain to you then skip this post, seriously don't want you wasting time relating to the other 99% of us out here. LOOK AROUND YOU! When is the last time you heard sin, temptation, mistakes, anger, fear, crimes being talked about as if we truly understood why it's out there working against us. We don't view the brotherhood as the ability to fight our enemy. More or less who we like in our small groups and who likes us back. I find less and less of an empathetic society ready to fight the enemy for anyone out there needing the encouragement to stand up against the Devil and his demise to the human existence.
Can we beat this?? You better believe it baby! I'm living proof that you can take a stand against the aggressive brutal intellectual stabbings that the Devil continually dishes out. Who, you might ask, would he start with so that he could take down a whole society and so few would enter the kingdom of Heaven? Some of you out there might begin to say; well, he would hit up the wealthy or the government. Um......once again it would take deep intellectual thought as to why "government" would have ever been needed had people managed themselves properly to use their heads!!!!! Government comes out of the laziness of people to allow someone else control other than God for your immediate needs. I'm not saying all bad is in it, but it surely doesn't spawn sweet anything. Had we understood how powerful the Holy Spirit was living inside of us we could very well have never needed government to take control but rather the heeding of the Lord himself directly to us. Crazy thought I know, but let that sit in your mind a bit before writing me off as some crazy hairspray huffin' hussy. Like I was saying, I would hit up the church. Is that gasssssppping I hear??????? Really? You think the church is off limits??? Now I'm not talking the metaphorical church made up of the Christians all over the world tethered together by the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST, rather the brick and mortar building structure that would end up being more business than booming for Jesus. How can I say all of this and sleep at night? Easily, you learn to sit and understand your enemy when you believe in the whole story of the Bible. It wasn't long into my childhood the hand writing on the wall wasn't just the crayon markings I had left earlier in retaliation to the atmosphere. Rather the entity that is the Devil, I would try to understand as he takes down society one turtleneck at a time. So my journey continued in such a way that I could stand in the midst of evil places and see why people would bury their pain in a drink or a lady they didn't even know. The bigger question was why I could stand in the middle of a Church and feel the same thing, and it was as if the Devil had cloaked this just right. No one was the wiser as everyone standing around was one decision away from implosion.........
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